VersaBadge Staff Duress Alerting

Staff Duress Alerting with powerful and affordable Bluetooth Low Energy beacon technology.

VersaBadge Staff Duress is a robust real-time location system that utilizes a network of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons and receivers to track staff and receive distress calls across any facility.

Real-time Alert Views

Ability to receive and respond to alerts via on-screen work lists.  All alerts are time stamped on receipt, acknowledgement and dismissal along with logging of user and dismissal reason.

Configurable Alerts and Reporting

  • Silent Alarm summons help without escalating potential conflict
  • Convenient, wearable beacons with long battery life
  • Customizable alert notifications via On-screen, SMS and/or Voice call
  • Real-time map view of staff in need
  • Robust reporting on duress alerts by staff, average response times, and alerts by location or department